Find Your Family Tree
About Us
We'll help you find your family tree is a free genealogy website designed to help you find missing branches of your family tree using Pedigree Resource File (PRF), a rapidly expanding collection of family trees submitted by people worldwide to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Progeny Software, producer of quality genealogy software and research databases, offers this website so you can easily search through Pedigree Resource File's online database of family trees and find which PRF CDs contain branches of your family history. Progeny provides the software used on the PRF CDs, including the PRF database engine and Progeny Family Explorer™, a one-of-a-kind program designed specifically for lineage-linked databases. With Progeny Family Explorer™ you can quickly find ancestors as well as view and print a variety of genealogy charts and reports.

Please visit our website often and join our email list so we can let you know when new PRF Sets are available, tell you about changes to and pass on other interesting genealogy news.

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